Standard Chromadek®
Is intended for use under rural, Industrial (mildly chemically polluted) or moderate marine conditions.
Comprises a Z200 hot-dipped galvanized supstrate pre-primed with a primer (Dry film thickness (DFT) of 5µm) and finished with a final paint coat (DFT of 18 – 22µm) on the top surface.
A single backing coat (DFT of 8µm) is normally applied to the reverse side of the sheet
Coating Configuration
Chromadek® is available as either Chromadek® Standard or Chromadek Ultim® designed for exposure and use in different atmospheric conditions:
Versatile and Aesthetically Pleasing
Chromadek® offers great versatility for roofing and cladding applications. South African architects use Chromadek® in a variety of roofing and cladding projects ranging from churches, shopping malls, factories, warehouses and airports to luxury eye-catching homes and large housing estates.
Chromadek® is exceptionally colour-fast. Warrantees are given on application, supject to certain conditions. The 14 exciting colours in African Heritage Range captures the essence of the African environment reflecting the continent’s unique hues allowing designers the freedom of expression.
Steel is generally regarded as a rigid material offering only strength. This is not true of ArcelorMittal South Africa’s galvanised steel used as substrate for Chromadek®. It is readily formable which makes it eminently suitable for a wide variety of end-uses in the building industry. The formability of the substrate is matched by the flexibility of the paint system, two characteristics desired by architects, profilers and developers..
Chromadek® is lighter and stronger than any other roofing material, providing roofs of up to 80% lighter than those using concrete tiles. This saves on the roof structure, construction time and equally important the cost.
The importance of the steel substrate
In light of certain colour coated steel product not reaching the expected life span, it is clear that all colour-coated steel sheeting does not comply with the design requirements for structural roofing materials. Due to Chromadek® being a well-established brand name, the name is being used generically for pre-painted roof sheeting. Authentic Chromadek® sheeting is imprinted with “ArcelorMittal South Africa Chromadek®” at regular intervals to mark it as the genuine colour coated steel product manufactured by ArcelorMittal South Africa.
Regular and ongoing maintenance ensures the superior corrosion resistance of Chromadek® reducing the requirement of frequent repainting after installation.
The appearance and properties of Chromadek® and Chromadek Ultim® can be safeguarded by proper handling, storage, installation and maintenance procedures. Chromadek® should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated area, clear off the ground. Sheeting should not be allowed to get wet while bundled or nestled in stacks. If a pack does become wet, the sheets should be separated as soon as possible and the surfaces dried with a cloth. Sheets should then be stacked so that free air circulation completes the drying process.
When handling Chromadek® on site, care should be taken not to damage the surface finish, see do’s and don’ts for Chromadek®
If the paint surface should become scratched – either during installation or later on – specially formulated air-drying touch-up paints are available. The surface would first have to be cleaned of any dirt, grease or chemical pollutants that might be present. Keep in mind that the UV resistance of air-drying touch-up paints cannot match the UV resistance of the oven-cured Chromadek® paint systems and the use of touch-up paints should be kept to a minimum.
When using Chromadek®, you are assured of excellent technical back-up.
To keep your Chromadek® roof in pristine condition for as long as possible, periodic washing down with water and a mild detergent prevents the accumulation of corrosive debris such as leaves, dirt and pollution fallout. This is especially recommended for both Chromadek® and Chromadek Ultim®.